Tag: Microsoft 365

  • Emotet malware delivered as Microsoft OneNote files

    Emotet malware is delivered using Microsoft OneNote email attachments to circumvent Microsoft security constraints and infect additional people.   Emotet is a well-known malware botnet. It was previously delivered using Microsoft 365 Office apps including Word and Excel files with malicious macros. When a user opens the attachment and allows macros, a DLL is downloaded. It is…

  • PoC for a major Microsoft Word RCE problem revealed

    PoC for a major Microsoft Word RCE problem revealed

    Over the weekend, a proof-of-concept for CVE-2023-21716, a severe vulnerability in Microsoft Word that permits remote code execution, was disclosed. The vulnerability was given a severity level of 9.8 out of 10. Microsoft Office 365 parent company addressed it in the February Patch Tuesday security patches, along with a handful of remedies. The low attack complexity, with…

  • Microsoft to intergrate ChatGPT into Teams

    Microsoft to intergrate ChatGPT into Teams

    Next-generation search is on its way. Microsoft recently stated that the influence of AI on our lives will be as significant as that of the PC and the internet. The company expected it because it invested billions of dollars in OpenAI, the manufacturer of ChatGPT. As part of a new premium service, Microsoft is integrating…

  • Teams: This is what caused the recent massive outage

    Teams: This is what caused the recent massive outage

    Teams parent company explains what it believes went wrong. Microsoft Office 365 company has disclosed its first findings about what it believes caused a recent severe outage. This outage affected some of its most popular software services.   Users throughout Europe and Asia were unable to use Microsoft 365 services for many hours due to the outage. This…

  • Applications and Windows devices are facing completely new flaw

    Applications and Windows devices are facing completely new flaw

    What if phony applications aren’t identified? A significant issue in Windows-powered data centers and applications that Microsoft resolved in mid-2022 remains unpatched across virtually all susceptible endpoints. It has placed countless people in danger of malware and ransomware assaults.   The cybersecurity website experts developed a proof-of-concept (PoC) for the bug and calculated the high percentage of…

  • Open AI: Microsoft thinks it is as significant as the internet

    Open AI: Microsoft thinks it is as significant as the internet

    Microsoft has confirmed a “multimillion-dollar investment” in Open AI. The company has announced that it would spend billions of dollars more on it with the creators of ChatGPT.   Microsoft Office 365 parent company announced in a blog “third phase of our long-term cooperation” with Open AI. The company is vowing to enhance the technology and…

  • OneNote: Hackers are now spreading malware using attachments

    OneNote: Hackers are now spreading malware using attachments

    Threat actors are increasingly using OneNote attachments in phishing emails to infect users with remote access malware. They are using it to install more software, steal passwords, or even cryptocurrency wallets. For years, attackers have distributed malware in emails through malicious Microsoft 365 Office products like Word and Excel attachments. They trigger macros to download and install…

  • Microsoft Teams is gaining a simple but powerful new security feature

    Microsoft Teams is gaining a simple but powerful new security feature

    Now being added to a random chat group is another thing not to worry about. Microsoft is working on a new security feature for its Teams collaboration software that will keep you more aware of who is attempting to contact you. When The Microsoft 365 suite productivity platform users get an invitation from outside their…

  • Microsoft Office’s weakest security threat and people are still falling for it 

    Microsoft Office’s weakest security threat and people are still falling for it 

    Apparently, people are sending malware-infected USBs over the mail and some recipients are falling for it. Seriously though? Many cybersecurity assaults are highly developed, well-planned schemes that seek to exploit victims through skillful programming and virus distribution. However, sometimes crooks just want to follow the old ways. They say old is Gold and these crooks…

  • Office users are going to despise this new Microsoft 365 annoyance

    Office users are going to despise this new Microsoft 365 annoyance

    Microsoft 365 advertisements are shown in Office 2021. Microsoft Office customers have reported seeing a slew of sneaky Microsoft 365 advertisements throughout their work. Several customers emailed the Technology website with screenshots of a new pop-up promoting Microsoft 365 Family memberships within Microsoft Word documents. The “Limited Time Offer” advertises three months of Microsoft 365…